My younger daughter has a pet hamster named Teddy Sweetems. For those of you whose kids have had pet hamsters you know the drill. On Tues eve Teddy Sweetems escaped from the cage and crawled into a small space via a hole in the base board, where it meets the cabinet, in the laundry room. We know this because our dogs helped us sniff her out (the dogs love her and sniff and cry with joy when she is near).
We first tried to coax her out with "Monkey Chow" ( a hamster favorite ) and carrots. While we were out of the room she came out, took the goods and went back into the wall. Then I had a really good really bad idea. What if we fog her out of the wall. Yes I know now how stupid this sounds NOW.
Se we took our fog machine (not addressing in this post why we have a fog machine) and fangled a tube out of a big piece of paper. We placed the end of the tube in the hole at the base board and waited for the fog machine to warm up. The thought FWIW was that the fog would be annoying enough to Teddy Sweetems that she would come running out of the hole.
The green light came on indicating the fog machine was ready to do its thing and we counted down from 10 and I pressed and held the button. Within about 10 seconds fog was oozing out of the walls and the seams where the cabinets meet with walls and my daughter freaked out yelling, "your killing her your killing her" and we cut off the fog machine. We sat and stared for the next few minutes as the fog continued to ooze out from many places and no Teddy Sweetems appeared.
At this point I realized just how stupid my idea was and I asked my daughter to leave the room so I could find Teddy. I spent the next 30 minutes cutting a big hole through the side of the solid wood cabinet so I could see if I could find Teddy. With hole cut I looked in and could not see Teddy anywhere and feared the worst.
I placed to carrots through the hole in the wall hoping that Teddy was still alive and would come eat the carrots. I am happy to report a few hours later the carrots were gone, so we did not kill her with the fog machine. I am sad to report she is still in the wall at this time. We continue to put food and water there to keep her alive until we find a way to get her out of the wall.
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